How to install Virtualmin on CentOS

Due to the recent price increasing of cPanel license, a lot of hosting provider looks for other alternatives. One of those alternatives is Virtualmin. Virtualmin is a fully featured open source web hosting control panel that allows us to run multiple websites on the same server. Virtualmin consumes a small amount of disk space (less than 1GB) and supports CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu without any extra complication. It has a friendly web based GUI for server and account management. Furthermore it respects the package manager of your chosen OS and allows you to make configuration changes outside of Virtualmin without overwriting them.

I am going to share some quick guide on how to install Virtualmin on a fresh VPS setup running on CentOS.

First of all, we will need to set the hostname of the VPS. Type :
<em>echo “” > /etc/hostname</em>

Next is to disable selinux and enable sed instead. Type below and reboot :
<em>sed -i ‘s/SELINUX=.*$/SELINUX=disabled/’ /etc/selinux/config</em>

To check whether the status of the hostname and selinux, type hostname and getenforce.

Next we will need to install some basic software that may related with Virtualmin. Type :
<em>yum -y install perl lsof sysstat lsof traceroute whois wget ftp nano</em>

And now comes to the actual installation. The requirement recommendation is to have at least 1GB RAM.

Once done, type :
<em>sh –minimal</em>

We will see the web address at the bottom of the line. Save it.

<em>Next, we will need to set the password for the MySQL. To enter MySQL, just simply type mysql. And then type :
use mysql;
update user set password=PASSWORD(“yournewpassword”) where User=’root’;
flush privileges;

Now try to login to our Virtualmin. You can use the hostname we set earlier as the web address. For example, Login by using your root and password. Just click next on the post installation wizard and fill up the required information. And do not forget to recheck and refresh the configuration.

Well i guess that’s it. You should be able to use the Virtualmin now. Good luck!